February 15 is the feast of Saint Claude de la Colombière. He is the mysterious priest depicted in the Sacred Heart painting hovering above St. Margaret Mary. In honor of Saint Claude and as an expression of our devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will have a special Mass Saturday morning February 15, 2025 in the Church. All are welcome! Members of Saint Michael’s Guard will be serving. St. Claude is their patron saint.
“One thing is certain, if the future Conewago remembers her God and her religion as faithfully as did the Conewago of the past, there is no danger, whatever may happen. The history of the church has shown that she is equal to any emergency, and suits herself to the changes of time and customs, to the revolution of governments, of nations and of ages. She goes on forever, and in her there is no change or shadow of vicissitudes.”
--John Timon Reily
Conewago: A Collection of Catholic Local History, page 30
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